Actively Seeking Joint Ventures To Add Massive Value
Life is an experiment : If you're not learning you're dying
 Our Marketing + Your Idea = Win/Win Blue Sky
Would You Like To Discuss A JV?
Do you have a great business idea that you have developed and refined or are you sitting on something that you know has a hungry market?

My name is David Twigg, myself and my team have developed strategies and processes over the last 7 years that we are confident will work in most businesses.

I am seeking partners with the requisite experience and knowledge to invest my time, my team's time and our experience to build and grow projects from the ground up. 
This would suit you if you have something that demonstrates the solution to a hungry marketplace but don't have vast venture capital funds or even private funds to deploy on mass scale advertising.
Let's Talk
I've spent a lifetime immersed in marketing and love hanging out on the cutting edge. Most startups and even established businesses are not doing themselves justice. I can help you avoid that scenario.

Myself and my team work with a range of platforms and technologies to build marketing that is sustainable and profitable.
Thinking Outside the Box is Important

I have lived in the USA, Spain, France, UK, Poland and Australia

My own personal education is a daily exercise

My children are my Why

I aim to inspire and be inspired.
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The journey involved in starting and running a business can be tough.
  • Marketing is the fundamental that will enable growth.
  • In today's world great marketing doesn't grow on trees.
  • Let's discover it together.
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